The Anti-Counterfeit Authority partnership approach in the war against counterfeits is multi-pronged. It is guided by the realization that there is need for collaboration both within relevant government agencies, private sector and development partners.
Inter-Agency cooperation leads to a coordinated approach that avoids duplicity of efforts by different Agencies and thus leads to optimal utilization of resources.
Since counterfeits affect all including the government, the participation of the private sector and development partners gives it an inclusive approach since all sector are a victims of this vice.
Government Ministries.
We work with all relevant ministries’ particularly
- Ministry of Industry, Investment and Trade
- Ministry of Finance
They have representation in ACA Board as provided in the Act.
Government Agencies.
Those provided for in our Act and sits in ACA Board include;
- Attorney General, State Law Office
- Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA),
- Kenya Bureau Standards (KEBS),
Policy Makers
- Ministers
- Permanent Secretaries
- Parliamentary committees
Law Enforcement Agencies
Both local, regional and international
- Provincial Administration
- The Kenya Police Service
Advocacy/ lobby groups,
Those that are represented in our board are;
- Kenya Association of Manufacturers-(KAM)
- Consumer protection advocacy groups.
Others are;
- Kenya Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (KAPI)
- Petroleum Institute of East Africa
- Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA)
- Agro- Chemicals Association Of Kenya (AAK)
- Public Health advocacy groups.
- COFEK round tables
Joint Campaign against Counterfeiting - JCAC Members
In the spirit of Public-Private partnership the Agency has spearheaded the formation of the Joint Campaign against Counterfeit (JCAC). This is an all inclusive collaborative front formed in conjunction with different government agencies and industry players in the private sector to increase the level of awareness in the fight against counterfeits in the country.
This membership is open to all players in government, private sector and development partners.
Development partners
The fact that counterfeiters affect everyone in the same vein is not limited to the country alone. The effects are felt both regionally and internationally.
We have collaboration with the following;
- Regional Bodies- East African Business council, East African Community, COMESA, etc.
- Foreign Embassies- The US Embassy, Indian High Commission, French Embassy, the Germany Embassy among others.
International Advocacy Bodies-
In the international front we collaborate closely with bodies such as;
- RILO Eastern and Southern Africa
- BASCAP (Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy),
- World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO,
- Africa Region Intellectual property Organization ARIPO
The Media
The Media takes a leading role in the campaign against counterfeits in the country. We believe the Media carries the banner of the Agency to the world. We collaborate and invest in the media in right advertising and in themed events.
We have collaboration in:
- Print Media
- Media big-leagues, editors, journalists, media owners, and other key stakeholders in the Nation, The Star, The Standard among others,
Electronic Media - Kenyan local and National TV and Radio Stations as well as international Channels
- E-communication
- Social Media – Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter etc
- Documentaries;-
- We develop documentaries for target publics to enhance awareness
- Sensitization forums-
Media training forums on Intellectual property, Breakfast meetings, cocktails, press conferences etc
Educational institutions
Preventive education campaigns organized for different educational institutions.
These include:
- Primary,
- Secondary
- Tertiary Institutions.
This done through:
- School sensitization forums.
- Universities consultative meeting and collaboration.