Criminal Case No. 294 of 2017, Magistrates Court at Mumias, Republic vs Erastus Maina
The accused person herein ERASTUS MAINA is charged with being in possession in the course of trade counterfeit goods contrary to section 32(a) as read with section 35(1)(a) of the anti-counterfeit Act, 2008 Laws of Kenya.
The particulars of the first count are that Erastus Maina on the 1st of February 2017, at about 3.lSpm at Maridadi Sawa in Mumias town within Kakamega County being owner you had in your possession 5 pieces of Gotena aerials, each valued at Ksh l000/= calculated to be confused with genuine product, which is a protected good under trade mark No. 83117 owned by MIH INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED the total value being Ksh 5,000/= only.
The second count : Exposing or exhibiting for the purpose of trade counterfeit goods contrary to section 32(a) as read with section 35(1)(a) of the counterfeit Act, 2008 Laws of Kenya.
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